Meaning of (बइटठाना ‡) baitathana ‡ in english
As noun : stamp on Ex:  Print a stamp on wax
seat Ex:  Abdullah I chose Amman as seat of government for his newly-created state roost Ex:  The cocks and hens roost every night park Ex:  Access to the park by tourists improved in the early years of the park cover Ex:  In 1966 he recorded a cover of Bob Dylan's "Tomorrow is a Long Time" . perch settle set Ex:  Some of these implied fundamental problems with Cantor's set theory program. sink
As verb : sit Ex:  Almost all of Europe and most of Asia sit atop the Eurasian Plate sit up sit down belong Ex:  Before 1800, many populations did not belong to states. beg Ex:  I beg your pardon,
Suggested : to be or serve as a covering for extend over rest on the surface of an area of land, usually in a largely natural state, for the enjoyment of the public, having facilities for rest and recreation, often owned, set apart, and managed by a city, state, or nation a perch upon which birds or fowls rest at night something designed to support a person in a sitting position, as a chair, bench, or pew a place on or in which one sits to rest with the body supported by the buttocks or thighs be seated
Word of the day
(बइटठाना ‡) baitathana ‡
can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 9 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Verb in hindi originated from modification of Sanskrit language by locals .
Transliteration :
baiTaThaanaa ‡